We are happy to launch Wildhood Foundation’s first Annual Report. Our ambition with this report is to present to you – the donors, the sponsors and anyone who’s engaged in our cause – what the funds have contributed to in the field. In other words, the Return of your Investment in Wildhood Foundation.
The Annual Report 2018 gives you a clear overview of the goals and key pillars of Wildhood Foundation, as well as the three African based organisations with which Wildhood partners. We have analysed and described what your donations have allowed these partner organisations to achieve in terms of protecting African wildlife from the ongoing poaching threat.
With the aim to put Wildhood’s mission into context, the report further provides an analysis of the multifaceted nature of poaching and the illegal wildlife trade, including policies, laws and international agreements involved in fighting this war on a global scale. It discusses the huge losses of wild elephant and rhino populations in Africa since the most recent poaching crisis began over a decade ago, what is driving this dangerous trend and how to choke the demand for wildlife products.
And finally, we present our financial summary for 2018. With your help Wildhood managed to raise more than one million SEK, all of which goes directly to support our partners’ work in the field. We set our goals high, and with poaching still at crisis level in many African countries, we aim to raise another two million SEK by the end of 2019.
With this we would like to extend a big thank you to everybody who has contributed to Wildhood Foundation during 2018. The fantastic achievements we have accomplished during the year wouldn’t have been possible without your commitment and support!
Wildhood Foundation 2018 Annual Report