The UN global goals is the most ambitious agenda for sustainable development our world’s countries ever adopted and healthy ecosystems is the underlying reason for many of the goals. They support economic growth, provide the foundation for water- and agricultural stability and stabilize our climate.
We are so proud that we, together with our partner organizations in southern Africa, contribute to 9 of the 17 global goals! Our main focus is on goal 15: the protection of ecosystems and biodiversity. A project that befriends the fight against climate change. By employing women from poor countryside communities as rangers, several developmental goals are met.
Direct effects are decreased poverty and hunger, increased equality and economic growth as well as improved working conditions. Women tend to spend more of their earnings on the health and education of their children, compared to men, and through Wilhoods scholarships 250 to children in communities that surround the bush. Today, wildhood protects 1 million hectares of land in South Africa and Zimbabwe and when our work expands to Botswana and Mocambique, our portfolio will grow with another 3 million hectares!
Learn more about our contribution to the UN goals here!