How many lions are left in Africa?
The numbers are decreasing, and the species is now classified as vulnerable. The number of mature individuals is estimated to somewhere between 23 000 and 39 000.
The main threats are habitat loss, human wildlife conflict and the illegal trade market.
Lions have been reduced to live on only 8% of the land they previously occupied. This reduces their ability to find suitable mates and to hunt their natural prey.
Due to the loss of habitat and natural prey, farmed livestock are at risk to be preyed on. This causes conflict between the local communities and wild lions.
In the meantime, the demand for lion bones is increasing, especially as they are used in traditional Asian medicine. There are no evidence that the bones have any medicinal function.
How can we stop this negative spiral?
Establish and patrol protected areas to safeguard habitat and population.
Spread awareness of the importance to fight poaching and illegal wildlife trade.
Mediate conflict by helping communities protect themselves from wild animals.