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Till våra vänner; företag och privatpersoner som under 2017 bidragit till att samla in den fantastiska summa av 742 532 kr – TACK!!
Äntligen förbud mot elfenben i Kina
Idag den 31 december 2017 träder äntligen Kinas nya lag om legal elfenbenshandel i kraft!
Donate this Black Friday
Black Friday is one of the most commercially intensive days of the year!
Poacher’s moon
The full moon, mythical and romantic for some, life threatening to others.
For us everyday is ”World Elephant Day”
This weekend on the 12th of August we saw people around the world joining forces on ”World Elephant day”. The World Elephant Day brings people together to educate, highlight and protect our elephants from the numerous threats they are facing.The escalation of...
World Ranger Day
Today is World Ranger Day and around the globe people are raising awareness and paying tribute to those on the front line in the battle to protect our natural heritage. Rangers work under a constant threat in the field, may it be from the animals they protect,...